Using Mission and Vision Statements to Shape Your Company’s Future


To gain traction in creating and maintaining a desired level of success, many companies tend to go beyond implementing a structure to develop and implement policies and procedures. From a leadership perspective, your mission and vision may be among the most valuable tools your company can develop.

Mission and vision statements are instruments that can create a sense of team with a common set of goals to achieve.

  • Mission statements are declarations that define why the company exists and may reveal the ultimate goal of the organization.
  • Vision statements are descriptors of how the company leaders will achieve their mission. They provide clarity on how the company is different from its competitors and insight on how the mission will be achieved.

These are the motivators for your employees and customers. They define why people would want to work for the organization and why customers would want to do business with you.

By adding values, an organization can define the principles that will guide their culture. Values help to define the moral compass of the company and inform your employees and customers how you will treat them.

Once you establish your company’s mission, vision, and values, you launch the foundation for building your organization’s culture. Building on this foundation and leading your company to success also requires strategy. This may be a very dynamic process; it works to incorporate all of the variables from team members and their assignments to changing market conditions. 

In a simplistic form, the path to success may look something like this:

Are you satisfied with your company mission and vison statements?  If not Innovise can assist you with developing and implementing these leadership essentials. Contact us to learn more.

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